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11 February 2010


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Power to the Samsung?

I actually wanted to go but was put off by the fact that it was late and coming back to Manchester late in the evening is a pain..booking a hotel just for the night didn't sound too attractive :P

I feel your pain when it comes to live feeds, I wish they'd all stream into my tv and I didn't have to search for them. Amazing when you're tired and you just don't want to think; at the moment everything online requires so much work it's like a freaking second job. All the facebook, twitter, buzz, rss feeds, youtube, iPlayer..it gives me headaches.

Live feeds are fine and dandy but the tv still plays such a huge role in people's lives, if it disappeared one day you'd wonder what to do with all your spare time (provided you're the type that can't live without it).

We watch it mostly for films in HD and my documentaries every now and then and haven't bought Sky or the likes because it's not worth it. Surowiecki had a good article on why is bundling such a frustrating concept..it's rather good!

I think you are not quite right and you should still studying the matter.

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