Inspired by Agathe the Warrior, I have committed to eating vegan on a Wednesday. She writes a blog about it, it's a whole thing.
I was vegetarian for many years (17) because I don't think that commercial meat production is a sustainable option. I tried to be vegan for intermittent periods because dairy production is even worse, but I couldn't give up cheese (and poached eggs) for long. For the last year or so I've been trying out pescetarianism (word?) because I can't eat another tomato and goats cheese tart in a restuarant (#firstworldproblem), but only buying fish from sustainable sources.
Anyway. I'm sure I've read somewhere that if every meat eater took on Meat Free Mondays that it would make a significant impact on supply and demand, and therefore on production. Now that I'm part of the dark side I've made a commitment to Wegan Wednesdays, to try and offset some of my fish-eating evil.
We had a nice Wegan picnic today, although I massively overate. But massively it's going quite well (had one cheesy slip up so far). I'm enjoying it. I'm realising how much food I like is vegan anyway, and eating more vegan meals throughout the week. I'm hoping that over time my diet will become mostly vegan and mostly harmless. And then maybe I'll introduce Fishy Fridays as a treat.
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